- What men or gods are these? What maidens loth? 呵,是怎样的人,或神!
- What men or gods are these? what maidens loth? What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape? What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy? 呵,是怎样的人,或神!在舞乐前多热烈的追求!少女怎样地逃躲!怎样的风笛和鼓谣!怎样的狂喜!
- And God came unto Balaam, and said, What men are these with thee? 神来到巴兰那里,说:“与你在一起的这些人是谁?”
- Women's salaries are low vis-a-vis what men earn for the same work. 女子的薪水比同工种的男子低。
- Are these lettuces home-grown or did you buy them in the market? 这些生菜是自家种的呢,还是你在市场上买的?
- It's a moot point whether men or women are better drivers. 男女司机孰优孰劣尚有争论。
- There is no escape, through law of man or God, from the inevitable:The laws of changeless justice bindOppressor with oppressed,And close as sin and suffering joinedWe march to fate abreast. 公正平等的法则永恒不变, 把压迫者和被压迫者拴在一起, 就像罪恶永远伴着苦难, 朝着命运我们肩并肩一起迈进。
- We are not saying these gods are bad. 我们不能说这些神是坏的。
- Are these prices wholesale or retail? 这些价格是批发价还是零售价?
- What men are you talking about ? 你们正在谈论什么人?
- These your meet that gods are arrangements! 遇见你们这些是上帝的安排!
- No men or institutions are above the law. 任何人或机构都不可超越法律。
- Who were these men,and for what were they seeking? 这些人是谁,他们想找什么?
- Are these Mary's pens? No, they are not hers. 这些是玛丽的笔吗?不,它们不是她的。
- Were they human beings or madman or gods? 他们是人、是疯子、还是神?
- What are these two cassette decks for? 这两个卡式录音座是做什么用的?
- A house mouse Are you a man or a mouse? 你是一个男子汉还是一个胆小鬼?
- Who were these men, and for what were they seeking? 这些人是谁,他们想找什么?
- The doctrine that there is no God or gods. 无神论学说无上帝或神存在的学说